flowchart LR
In an argument, I'll win by...] Missed -->|Identifying gaps in logic.| I2 Missed -->|Never backing down.| M10 I2["I2: I Swear I Just Had It (p227)
I'm more scared to lose..."] I2 -->|My talents.| I4["If I Only Had... (p228)"] I2 -->|My possessions.| L8["L8: Lost and Found (p238)"] M10["M10: Miss Me? (p243)
I believe everyone's worst enemy..."] M10 -->|Is themself.| R1["R1: Ran Into My Knife (p259)"] M10 -->|Is me.| B7["B7: Bogeyman (p206)"] Negatives[Negative
To fill empty space, I tend to...] Negatives -->|Make conversation.| W5 Negatives -->|Take up more of it.| C6 W5["W5: Who You Used to Be (p278)
My approach to delivering bad news is best described by the phrase..."] W5 -->|"Boil the frog."| F1["F1: Fade Away (p216)"] W5 -->|"Rip the Band-Aid."| F4["F4: Fin (p217)"] C6["C6: Chalk Outline (p209)
If I had to choose, I'd take..."] C6 -->|The lock.| V1["V1: Vale (p275)"] C6 -->|The key.| F11["F11: Free Real Estate (p220)"] Unbound[Unbound
I'd rather be...] Unbound -->|The distraction.| U3 Unbound -->|Undercover.| O3 U3["U3: Unspool (p275)
When I don't want to do something I'm expected to do, I..."] U3 -->|Never show up.| L7["L7: Lobby Walker (p238)"] U3 -->|Cause enough drama that it gets canceled.| U4["U4: Unstable (p275)"] O3["O3: One of Those Faces (p247)
Which do I prefer?"] O3 -->|Concerts.| L9["L9: Lost in the Crowd (p238)"] O3 -->|Cats.| S3["S3: Schrödinger Effect (p264)"]