flowchart LR
Will you remember them all?] Eliminate -->|No.| S6 Eliminate -->|Yes.| T5 QuickDraw[Quick Draw
I shoot...] QuickDraw -->|Carefully.| G4 QuickDraw -->|Immediately.| A12 OpenCarry["Open Carry
Friends are..."] OpenCarry -->|Everywhere, if you know how to look.| D6 OpenCarry -->|Enemies I haven't made yet.| W11 W11["W11: Wouldn't Do That If I Were You
I believe weapons..."] W11 -->|Reveal people.| M3["M3: Make Yourself Useful (p241)"] W11 -->|Change people.| R4["R4: Recoil (p260)"] G4["G4: Good Eye (p222)
I can't be everywhere at once..."] G4 -->|But it's important to me to try.| S2["S2: Save a Horse (p263)"] G4 -->|If these losers keep killing me.| R12["R12: Ride a Cowboy (p262)"] A12["A12: Ask Questions Later (p204)
Which would I rather participate in?"] A12 -->|A wild party.| S17["S17: Stray Bullet (p268)"] A12 -->|An intimate conversation.| B8["B8: Bounty (p206)"] T5["T5: Trophy Case (p271)
Will you morn them all?"] T5 -->|No.| D5["D5: Delayed Blast (p211)
Do you regret it?"] -->|Yes.| W2 T5 -->|Yes.| W4["W4: Where We All Go (p278)
Do you regret it?"] -->|Yes.| W2 D6["D6: Deputize (p214)
I help my friends by..."] D6 -->|Sharing my skills.| P3["P3: People Kill People (p250)"] D6 -->|Cleaning up their mistakes.| B10["B10: But I Didn't Shoot... (p207)"] S6["S6: Six Shooter (p264)
Will it ever be enough?"] S6 -->|No.| R8["R8: Reload (p261)
Do you regret it?"] -->|Yes.| W2 S6 -->|Yes.| C9["C9: Collateral Damage (p210)
Do you regret it?"] -->|Yes.| W2 W2["W2: What Have I Done? (p277)"]