flowchart LR
  Shortcut[I Know a Shortcut!
The world is...] Shortcut -->|As I see it.| F9 Shortcut -->|As I make it.| S16 F9["F9: Forced Perspective (p219)
When I'm arguing with someone.."] F9 -->|I aim for their weak points.| B1["B1: Bad Optics (p205)"] F9 -->|I work to understand their point of view.| A10["A10: Alternate Perspectives (p204)"] S16["S16: Stitch (p268)
When I don't understand the instructions, I am more likely to..."] S16 -->|Give up.| R14["R14: Rip (p262)"] S16 -->|Start over.| F8["F8: Fold (p218)"] Walking[Just Keep Walking...
I spend time with people...] Walking -->|I want to understand.| A5 Walking -->|Who are already like me.| M9 A5["A5: A to B (p202)
I wish people would..."] A5 -->|Just do what I say.| H1["H1: Habit Forming (p223)"] A5 -->|Try to understand me.| S4["S4: Secure Connection (p264)"] M9["M9: Mirror (p243)
I decide what to do..."] M9 -->|By following trends.| B6["B6: Black Mirror (p206)"] M9 -->|By trying everything.| A8["A8: All The Difference (p203)"] Gyre[Gyre the Gimbal
When in crisis, I...] Gyre -->|Fly.| P6 Gyre -->|Fight.| S18 P6["P6: Personal Space (p251)
I most often uplift..."] P6 -->|Others.| I7["I7: Inescapable Orbit (p229)"] P6 -->|Myself.| I9["I9: Iron Stomach (p230)"] S18["S18: Swallowing a Star (p268)
My real strength is..."] S18 -->|My tremendous power.| M11["M11: Muscle Density (p243)"] S18 -->|The people I keep close to me.| P10["P10: Pocket Stars (p252)"]